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Bike, Parts & Bikewear Sale - Radbekleidung, Bikes und Fahrradzubehör zu günstigen Preisen

Discover remaining stocks of bikewear and bargains for biking at HIBIKE

Here you will find special offers for bikewear as well as bikes with bargain prices, sales, remaining stocks, and also bike parts with bargain prices in the "selected seconds" section. Sometimes it is a special sale, which we organise to present you especially cool offers. Sometimes it can also be a collection change, which offers decreased prices for certain brands. Visit our Sale category frequently so that you won't miss any offer!

Can I find bike parts and components in the "selected seconds" section?

When a product has small errors or defects, it is a reason for us to label such bike parts or bikewear as selected seconds. Another way to understand it is also "second choice" products. Our reasons could be for example a stain on a biking jersey or light scratch on a seat post. You enjoy here remarkably cheap prices when a small defect does not bother you. The items are always original goods, only with a small error which can even be the lack of original packaging. We put also demonstration items / display pieces into this category.

Remaining stocks and clearance items offer great savings potential.

Under Remaining stocks are products of the previous season or clearance items. You can find not only bikewear listed here due to collection change, also remaining stocks of bikes offer a good opportunity for savings when buying a bike. Enormous price benefits, whether for helmets, gloves, backpacks, or suspension fork (just to name a few examples). Here you find bargain prices without end! As you can see, it's worth it to have a look at the HIBIKE remaining stocks from time to time. Have fun hunting bargains.

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