Shipping to: US

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Order status
Email Contact and Service

Step 1 of 2: Your contact data and request

We're glad to serve you!

Please help us to classify your request. A clear classification will help us to give you a quick and accurate answer.

Email address:

How can we help you?
My current order...
I'd like to cancel my order
I'd like to change my order
I'd like to request status information
I'd like to supply a feedback on my credit card

I have a question and need advice...
...on the processing of orders, payments, and on shipping

I need after sales support...
My product is damaged, I have a complaint
I want to return an item and have a question concerning this
My shipping seems lost and I'd like to trigger an investigation

Retail store and workshop in Kronberg
I have a question for the retail store staff
I'd like to do a test ride
I need a workshop appointment
I have a question concerning my current workshop order

Other issues...
None of the above applies to my case
Required fields
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